Thursday, July 17, 2008

No Court.....Again

We were scheduled to go to court tomorrow, but I received a call from our attorney to let us know that it has been put off again. They are now requesting a DNA test, are you kidding me. He is the one who would not sign the papers because he wanted to be a father. Now he is requesting a DNA test. I am so confused, just SIGN the papers and it will be over. So, I have no idea where this is going. I would do a happy dance in the street if he turns out to not be the bio-father. He is suppose to get out of prison next month, so that means he will not have a free attorney. And, he will have to pay for the DNA test, because I am not. So, that is where we are at with our long adoption.

I know this is a good thing. God has a perfect plan and I just have to be faithful for a bit longer. God is in control of this not judges, attorney, DNA test, only God. So I have no worries, just frustration and to be honest some anger. Thank you for your prayers, lets just keep them going. I will update when I know more.


Kelly said...

I am, and will continue to pray for your family. I have a bookmark in my devo. that I had today's date on. I will keep his name in there.

Anonymous said...

We are praying for you guys. I am sure this is a stressful time for your family.